October 17, 2011

Raisin D'Etre

I  have been asked " What draws your interest when you decide to make a painting? ". I do know I am very interested in repeated patterns, light and color. I know  also that I love the challenge of creating the mood or temperament I felt when I saw something just out of the corner of my eye. I believe we see so many - honestly I don't have the words for it and that is why I paint it. I am a visualist.
For instance my husband and I were visiting friends near Crow, Oregon outside of Eugene. It is in the country and the air is full of moisture to my Coloradan nature. So we walk in the morning up this road, which we have often walked before. Each time I walk it, when I get to this bend in the road I begin to think about how and where, from which position could I paint it. This summer morning the sky is pink and the buildings are sinking into the moist grass. But most important is the sharp pungent odor of an herb. What is it- I wonder?And then my cooking sense turns on and I recognize it as the herb chamomile. Later when I am walking around my friend's pond I notice a field of wild chamomile growing. From those experiences which I carried back home to my studio, my memory, some photos and my desire to share came this painting.

"Chamomile Path"

If you can smell the chamomile and feel the moisture of that July dawn this painting is for sale at the AUM Gallery this weekend and until November 26th. The opening is 5:00 to 8:30 PM Friday, and I  look forward to seeing you there.

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